Portal Apk Data Support For All Android

Portal is one of the popular, legendary, and iconic old games on the PC and Console platforms, the Puzzle-platform genre, where you will be tasked with completing each stage with various obstacles that are very challenging and at the same time require a separate strategy to pass, with a camera viewpoint from the point of view of first person like FPS games.

In this Portal game, you will play the role of a woman named Chell who is equipped with a weapon called the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device or more commonly called the Portal Gun, where this Portal Gun has the ability to eject/open a Portal which you can use to move places instantly. , now only with the help of this Portal Gun you can also pass each Stage that is given, basically Portal Gun is Koentji!

So cool, you can play this Portal game on Android! it's on an Android phone!, actually this Portal game has also been ported to Android, but unfortunately only devices with a Tegra GPU/CPU can enjoy it "NVIDIA Only" so this game is less popular and even just forgotten, it's a shame this game as cool as this is only ported on cellphones with GPU / CPU which rarely people have.

However, good news comes from a modder named nillerusr who has successfully ported the PC version of the Portal game to Android, with the help of a special Emulator called Source Engine Portal. The cool thing is that this Special Emulator has performance that deserves thumbs up. This Portal game runs smoothly even on potato specs. he This emulator doesn't require high specs so it can run smoothly, just great!

But there are things that are also quite unfortunate, especially for PowerVR devices because there is still a visual bug which is quite disturbing in this Portal game, the bug is the visual lighting which is still not read properly, the result is that this Portal game is dark like a Dead Space horror game , but it is said that this bug does not appear on the latest GPU / CPU, hopefully in the next updated version this bug can be fixed so that this game can be enjoyed more for all Android devices.

So is this Portal Special Emulator worth playing for you? of course it's very feasible, especially for those of you who have Android cellphones with current specs, you can crush this game without any problems, but for those of you who have Android cellphones with "old school" specs, think again about trying this game even though it might run smoothly, bugs What I discussed earlier, maybe you will experience it, so don't let wise words appear "It's a waste of quota, you know, it's better... build a PC! Huh??"


  • Name : Portal
  • Genre : Puzzle-platform game
  • Dev : Valve Corporation
  • Platforms : Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Android, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Linux, Classic Mac OS
  • Mode : Full Offline
  • All GPU : Yes
  • Version : Latest
  • Mods :-
  • Gamepad Support : Yes
  • Full size : 4.5GB (Portal)

Tutorial: Move the srceng folder to your Internal Memory, Install the Source Engine Apk and its Portal, and play the games with the App Portal instead of the Source Engine

Note: This Source Engine emulator can also play other Valve games such as the Half-life Series, Portal series, Counter strike Source, and Day Of Defeat