Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Apk Obb v1.0.13 Full Offline All Device


Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is an Action-adventure genre game with a cowboy theme (Even if it's not riding a horse! Eh, but Stranger is! *Spoiler*) set in a fictional world that still shares a universe with other Oddworld series

In the game Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, you will play the role of a mysterious bounty hunter named Stranger. Stranger will travel to various places to catch every fugitive who is troubled because he often causes trouble. Uniquely, each fugitive has a different price depending on the level of crime they commit. , the conditions at the time of being arrested also have different values such as capturing fugitives whose living conditions are far more expensive than they were after death.


For me the gameplay of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is unique and exciting where this game combines two genres at once First-person and Third-person, when you explore the camera will use a Third-person perspective like most adventure games, but that will change when you use the Crossbow weapon. the Stranger's point of view will change to First-person like FPS games in general. Don't worry, you can switch between these two modes at any time in the middle of the game in real time! Excellent!


For me, the story of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is very cool and fun to follow, especially from the middle to the end of the story, there are lots of unexpected intrigues that are also memorable. There are times when Stranger is hailed as a hero by the residents, up to one point. blasphemed to be hated by everyone because the real truth was uncovered, the main thing for this game's story did not disappoint.


From a visual point of view, this game is good and there is nothing to complain about, the lighting and details in each location feel alive and not monotonous, considering that this game was ported from a game console which was widely praised by the gaming media when this game was released, so for matters of game visuals it's cool even on this Android version.


Meanwhile, from an audio point of view, this game does a good job where cowboy or sheriff-style music plays to accompany your every adventure in this middle of nowhere, you will often hear the exchange of iconic cowboy movie-style bullets that sound *Dessseww* you will often hear when facing enemies. !


  • Name : Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
  • Genre : First-person/third-person shooter, Action-adventure
  • Dev : Oddworld Inhabitants, Just Add Water, Square One, EA Games, Microids
  • Platforms : Xbox, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, OnLive, PlayStation Vita, iOS, Android, Ouya, macOS,Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
  • Mode : Full Offline
  • All GPU : Yes
  • Version : 1.0.13
  • Mod : Paid, Full Offline
  • Gamepad Support : Yes
  • Full size : 1.2 GB

I really recommend it for those of you who haven't had the chance to play this game to play it right now, because this game has unique gameplay with an exciting story that will keep you curious about what story you will face next! You Should Play this Game Now!

Tutorial: Move the Android folder to your Internal Memory, Install the Apk and play the games